Ben meets people. He doesn’t know things.

Welcome to the official website for the book series, “What Ben Didn’t Know…”

Planned Release Schedule:

  • 1st of the month – E-book and print edition releases of the latest story.
  • 10th-ish of the month – Read the story directly on the “What Ben Didn’t Know…” website.
  • 15th-ish of the month – Podcast release of the latest story.

To stay informed of the latest release information, be sure to sign up for my Artful Notes newsletter.

Coming October 1st (I hope), “The Coffee Journey”

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    I just wanted to create a quick “Welcome!” post, thanking your for visiting the “What Ben Didn’t Know…” website! I’m very excited about this project, my short story series centered around the character, Ben. My hope is to incorporate many…

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